Hawk is a Lego Mindstorm robot constructed from the LEGO MINDSTORMS Education EV3 core set.
Hawk Is specifically equipped with the following components
Two infrared sensors - "2x Color and 2x Touch"
One EV3 Brick - "compact and powerful programmable computer that makes it possible to control motors and collect sensor feedback using the intuitive icon-based programming and data logging software that is delivered with the set."
Two big wheels - low profile 56X28 mm tire, black
The two infrared sensors are positioned at the front symmetrically. The sensor is used to detect the white and black colors of each square and tell Hawk where it is.
The two wheels have separate motors to make Hawk go forward, backward, and turn right and left.
The silver, metallic steel ball wheel is used to balance the robot and provide it with more motion when using its motors.
The EV3 brick is the main and intelligent part of Hawk. This "brain" compiles the code written in "c" and helps Hawk make decisions. The Bluetooth receiver in the EV3 allows Hawk to receive information from putty on a windows pc.
We also used a lot of colorful Lego pieces to make Hawk look more unique.
Physical Design